This morning I was laying in bed not wanting to get up when James cuddled me and put his hand on my stomach. Instantly the baby started moving and doing flips! It was sooo sweet. I asked if he could feel it but he said he wasn't sure if he did or if it was just me breathing. LOL I just thought it was too cool that the baby started moving for daddy. And it was right under where his hand was.
I'm starting to feel her move more often now. At least a couple times a day. It's such a reassurance to me everytime I feel it. It's like it's her way of letting me know she's ok. Man, if this baby ends up being a boy he's going to be really mad at how often I call him a "her". HAHAHA!!
A week from today is my next doctors appointment. I'm getting so impatient!! At this appointment we are setting up the big ultrasound. I just can't wait!! I want to go shopping for this baby so bad but I can't find anything gender neutral so I have had to wait to find out what the sex is. I'm NOT very good at waiting. LOL
Oh and here is my 15 week belly pic that I took tonight. I'm getting HUGE and I LOVE it!!!
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