I'm almost 21 weeks now!! I had my official u/s last Thursday and he is still a boy. LOL The tech was even nice enough to switch it over to 3D for me so I have a couple of those pics too. I did find out that there is a small chance, half a percent, that Gage could have Downs Syndrom. I'm trying very hard not to worry about it but concidering I'm a worry wort as it is I'm not doing a good job at it. I will love him no matter what, I just want him to be healthy.
Today I have this stabbing pain in my stomach. It's about half way between my belly buttom and my side. It's freaking me out but Gage has started moving and kicking me so thats making me feel a little better. I also got his bedding in the mail yesterday. It is so darn cute!! I can't wait until we can start on his room. Thats going to be awhile though since we are redoing the whole thing from cealing to floor and as of right now I'm not even sure how we're going to be able to do that. I just keep reminding myself that it all works out in the end.....right? LOL

I also started my registry Sunday. They didn't have those when I had Mike and I didn't have a shower for Kira so this was my first time doing one. It was so much fun!! I know I have to add more to it but when I was walking through Target, I had a hard time remembering what I needed. LOL
Ok my niece is in desperate need of my attention, LOL so I will update more later. Sorry it took me so long to update this much.
That bedding looks cute!~SoImarriedAnerd from JM