Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just updating

There really isn't much going on but I realized that I haven't updated this in awhile so though that I should. Gage is VERY active now. I go to sleep everynight with him bouncing from one side of my stomach to the other. LOL It has been very soothing to me until the last couple of days. Some of the kicks are getting really hard and actually hurt. Before long I won't be able to fall asleep to it I'm sure. LOL

At my last appointment the told me again that I'm high risk. My next appointment is April 14th then after that I have to start going back every 2 weeks. I also have to have a NST (non-stress test) done either once a week or once every 2 weeks. I can't remember which. I think they also plan on doing an u/s with those so thats exciting if they do.

As much as I try not to worry about my test that came back positive for Downs Syndrom, I can't help but have it nag at me. If he does have it, it will not change how much I love him. I just worry about the health issues that come along with it. I know there is some heart problems that are a part of it and also people with Down's have a shorter life expectancy. I hate the thought of out living my children and would never want that to be the case. I think when I have my 3D u/s I'm going to have them check again for Down's markers. Just to be safe.

Gage's room is coming along. We now have it painted though we still have to get the border and put that up. We are pretty much designing our own border. We are going to get a plain white one and either put star decals on it or paint some stars on there. Today we are going to be putting the carpet in and we are getting the crib and dresser from my mother-in-law. Hopefully by the end of today it will start to look like a nursery. I'm so excited!! I will post pics tonight or tomorrow of our progress.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I have the best friends and family!!!

I just have to say that I have the most AMAZING freinds and family in the world!!!!! Crystal, Steph and almost everyone I know have been keeping a secret from me for months! They all pitched in to redo Gage's nursery!!! You have no idea how wonderful that is. The room would not be fit to put a baby in without this and with my financial problems I was sooo scared I wouldn't be able to get it done. They had it all planed out to do this while Crystal and I were in Canada this weekend. Now I know why Crystal was SOOOO mad about work! LOL Well Steph took me on what I thought was just a girls day out today but in reality, they all came together to get as much done on the room as they could to surprise me. They all did such an amazing job!! Almost all the drywall is up and they are all coming to finish it tomorrow. I'm in tears as I'm writing this because I am just overwhelmed with gratitude. I couldn't possibly have been given a better surprise and I just hope that I am able to repay them in some way. I don't think any words can express how much they all mean to me. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

James felt Gage kick!!!

Everytime James tried to feel Gage kick he would press on my stomach which would then cause Gage to stop moving. Well this morning I was getting dressed and Gage was really active so I layed on the bed and put James' hand on my tummy. Gage went crazy!! I could even see James' hand jump when Gage kicked him! I got all teary eyed that he was finally able to feel his little boy!! I got over that though when they started a pushing war with my stomach. Boys will be boys I guess. HAHAHA!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My scary night at L&D

I went up because I was having some bad mentral like cramping so I was worried about a bladder infection. The midwife from my doc's office was there and she told me to come up and they would monitor me for an hour and check my urine. Well that hour turned into almost 4. About 30 min after getting there I noticed that Gage's heartrate was dropping. At first I thought he was just moving and the monitor lost him but then I noticed that it actually sounded like his heartbeat was slowing down, not disappearing. The midwife confirmed my fears when she rushed in and told me to turn on my side. His heartrate was slowing down and there was almost a pattern to it. The monitor didn't show me as having contractions and I wasn't feeling any but they gave me the shot to stop labor to calm down my uterus. It made me shake like crazy but worked and Gage's heartbeat stayed up. They then started an IV to give me fluids and take blood. Turns out I was pretty dehyrated and my white blood cells are pretty high. She thinks that I will have the full blown flu by this weekend.

So now I am back on pelvic rest and considered high risk. I had preterm labor with Mike but not with Kira so I never expected problems this time. I'm counting every little movement now because that scared the crap out of me. I'm nervous because I would have never known his heartbeat was dropping if I hadn't gone in last night, then what would have happened? Everything is ok now though so I am very thankful. I'm going to take it easy the next couple of days and drink TONS of water. Hopefully I can stop this flu before it starts. I have the mother/son dance on Friday and my fathers surprise 60th b-day party I'm throwing on Saturday so I don't have time to be sick. LOL