Monday, July 13, 2009

Gage Henry has arrived!! 7/5/09

Here is his birth story that I just copied and pasted here from JM. LOL I'm too tired to retype everything. Also, sorry it took so long to post this. It's been a long time since I've had a newborn and I'm exhasted. HAHAHA

So as you all know, I had been contracting for what seemed like weeks. On Saturday, July 4th, they started getting a little bit stronger and closer together. I went up to L&D knowing that they weren't what they needed to be but hoping the doc would be nice and just break my water. LOL Well, that didn't happen and they sent me home. I went to bed and would wake up in the night but more from not being able to get comfortable then from contractions.

Sunday, July 5th, I got up and wasn't contracting at all at first. About 2 hours after getting up I had one and could tell right away that they were way different. They felt like I was getting stabbed in the pelvic bone and in my back. All morning long I would have one here and there but they were an hour or more apart with maybe a couple coming at 30min. Crystal had been camping and was on her way home so I kept her updated. When she got back into town she came over, it was about 4:30-5:00pm, and at that point I had 3 that were 9 min apart. They came out of nowhere!! LOL Once she sat down in the chair I had 2 that were 4 min apart and I told her it was time to go. I had James take the kids to my sisters and Crystal took me to the hospital. Steph met us up there. They took me into a room, checked me and told me I was a 5 and being admitted. At this point it was about 5:20. By the time they got my IV in and I got to the birthing room, I was a 7-8. At that point they gave me some demeral in my IV. I'm kind of sad that I did that but I didn't realize I was as far along as I was. James got there around then I think but honestly I was really out of it and don't remember much of what was going on around me. I was just trying to concentrate on letting my body relax and not to tense up so that my labor could progress. The nurse was at the computer asking me all the questions for admitting me when I told her I needed to be checked, that I was feeling alot of pressure. Yup I was a 9.

The doc came in to break my water. I told him no because I remembered how much more painful contractions are without your water. He giggled and said that at this point it wasn't going to make a difference. He broke my water, turned around and got his stuff on them told me I could push. I was in shock. My mind couldn't keep up with how fast my body was doing this. I started pushing which was horrible, the pain was so intense and the doc was making it worse. I had a hard time pushing right because of it. After a few contractions I was so sick of the doc messing around down there that I told myself I just had to push through it and get Gage out so that the doc would stop touching me. LOL I started pushing and would only come up for a quick breath then go right back to it. I think I did that 3 times and he was born at 6:35pm. It was the most amazing thing when I looked down. His eyes were open and he was staring right at me. After everything I had gone through it was so sureal to look down at my little guy and have him look right back at me. Steph was cutting his cord when I realized he hadn't cried yet and that scared me. He ended up only crying when they made him, other then that he just looked around and took it all in. I was crying like crazy. LOL I just couldn't believe that my baby was finally here. It made all the heartache and disappointment worth it.
Gage was born at 6:35pm on July 5th 2009. He was 6lbs 9ozs and 19.75inches long. He is my miracle baby. After 3+ years of heartache I am finally able to hold my little man in my arms, a moment I have been dreaming about for way too long. I look into his eyes and just lose myself. I couldn't be happier and niether could James or the kids. Gage has made our family complete. I am still in awe of him and I'm sometimes afraid that it was all a dream and that I'll wake up heartbroken again. Thankfully all I have to do is look over at my gorgous son and know that everything really is perfect.

And here are a few pics from his labor and birth.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wow I suck!!

I can't believe that I have ignored this for so long!! I'm so sorry about that. Life got hectic and I just never thought about coming here and posting.

I don't even know where to start to catch this up. I am now almost 37 weeks pregnant and I'm miserable most of the time. LOL It's funny though because as much as I want to meet my little boy, I don't want this experience to end. I know that this will be my last pregnancy so it's very bitter sweet.

I had preterm labor a couple of weeks ago. They ended up giving me to shots to stop it. Since then I have still had contractions but not regularly and not nearly as often. Last Saturday I was getting really strong ones that were irregular but they only lasted for a few hours. Hopefully it means I'm progressing though. I would like to be 3 or 4cm dialated when I go into labor (I'm asking alot, I know) and as of my appointment last week I was dialated to 1cm.

I had my baby shower on May 31st. It was amazing!! I had such a great time and I think everyone else did too. I got alot of wonderful gifts too so you know thats always nice. HAHA A special thanks to Crystal, Stephanie, Charlotte and Jaimie for all the work they did putting that together!!

Now it's just the waiting game for Gage to show up. He's still VERY active. I don't think he has much room left in there. The doc told me at my last appointment that if I go into labor they will not stop it. I'm secretly hoping for hin to make his appearance this upcoming Sunday, June 21st. Not only is it fathers day but it's the birthday of a great family friend that just passed away yesterday. He wanted so bad for me to have Gage on his birthday. I'm obviously not going to do anything to "make" myself go into labor but it would be cool if it happened since I'm full term now anyways.

I'm sure I missed alot but I have to get back to the kids. I will try to update this more often and try to get some pics up too when I have the chance.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3D ultrasound tomorrow!!!

I can't wait to see my little man again!! I have to leave early and go do my glucose test then I have to be back at 10:15 for the ultrasound. I wanted to wait until I was about 30 weeks but it's so hard to make appointments then worry about how I'll get there and who will watch the kids for me. I already knew James had Friday off so I just went with that.

I had my appointment the other day and everything is looking good. I gained 3lbs LOL. My doc said that I don't need the NST's so thats atleast one thing I don't have to worry about. Gage is doing amazing. The doc even commented on how fast and strong his heartbeat was. I told him it's because this little guy never sits still. HAHA

I'll post his new pics as soon as I can tomorrow. I have alot of things to do after the ultrasound but as soon as I get home I will put them up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gage's room is done!!!

I still need to get some more decorative things and I'm getting another dresser but it's pretty much done!! I'm so darn excited I can hardly see straight. James took a vacation day yesterday just so we could finish. LOL I'm so tired and sore now. I barely slept last night because my back hurt so bad but it was all worth it!! I LOVE it!!!

There isn't a border that matched his bedding so I had to order plain white border and get a bunch of the decals so we could make our own border. I LOVE how it turned out.

This is why my back hurt so bad. James decided he wanted the bottom of the changing table painted the different colors of the room. I was down in some funky positions with a tiny paint brush painting that. LOL

I'm going to get the letters that spell out his name and hang those up. Just trying to decide if I want to try and do them myself or buy them. HAHA

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Slowly but surely

Well, not much got done in Gage's room last weekend. Today though the carpet was layed. All the trim was supposed to go up but you know men, he didn't measure everything first so some of it doesn't fit. Hopefully I can convince him to do that Thursday when he has the day off since I can't finish painting until that is all up. I think the most frustrating part of this is not being able to do more to help get this room done. I'm very impatient, LOL, and all I want is to see my little boys room all done and ready for him. It's ok though because I know that it will turn out so much better if we take our time and do it right.

There's nothing really going on right now, just more of the same. Gage is as active as can be. I'm tired alot more lately. Maybe it's because I'm almost to my 3rd trimester. I can't believe that in 3 months I'll have my little guy here in my arms. We have waited for so long for him and have went through hell to make this little guy happen that its a little surreal that it's almost time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just updating

There really isn't much going on but I realized that I haven't updated this in awhile so though that I should. Gage is VERY active now. I go to sleep everynight with him bouncing from one side of my stomach to the other. LOL It has been very soothing to me until the last couple of days. Some of the kicks are getting really hard and actually hurt. Before long I won't be able to fall asleep to it I'm sure. LOL

At my last appointment the told me again that I'm high risk. My next appointment is April 14th then after that I have to start going back every 2 weeks. I also have to have a NST (non-stress test) done either once a week or once every 2 weeks. I can't remember which. I think they also plan on doing an u/s with those so thats exciting if they do.

As much as I try not to worry about my test that came back positive for Downs Syndrom, I can't help but have it nag at me. If he does have it, it will not change how much I love him. I just worry about the health issues that come along with it. I know there is some heart problems that are a part of it and also people with Down's have a shorter life expectancy. I hate the thought of out living my children and would never want that to be the case. I think when I have my 3D u/s I'm going to have them check again for Down's markers. Just to be safe.

Gage's room is coming along. We now have it painted though we still have to get the border and put that up. We are pretty much designing our own border. We are going to get a plain white one and either put star decals on it or paint some stars on there. Today we are going to be putting the carpet in and we are getting the crib and dresser from my mother-in-law. Hopefully by the end of today it will start to look like a nursery. I'm so excited!! I will post pics tonight or tomorrow of our progress.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I have the best friends and family!!!

I just have to say that I have the most AMAZING freinds and family in the world!!!!! Crystal, Steph and almost everyone I know have been keeping a secret from me for months! They all pitched in to redo Gage's nursery!!! You have no idea how wonderful that is. The room would not be fit to put a baby in without this and with my financial problems I was sooo scared I wouldn't be able to get it done. They had it all planed out to do this while Crystal and I were in Canada this weekend. Now I know why Crystal was SOOOO mad about work! LOL Well Steph took me on what I thought was just a girls day out today but in reality, they all came together to get as much done on the room as they could to surprise me. They all did such an amazing job!! Almost all the drywall is up and they are all coming to finish it tomorrow. I'm in tears as I'm writing this because I am just overwhelmed with gratitude. I couldn't possibly have been given a better surprise and I just hope that I am able to repay them in some way. I don't think any words can express how much they all mean to me. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!