Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just updating

There really isn't much going on but I realized that I haven't updated this in awhile so though that I should. Gage is VERY active now. I go to sleep everynight with him bouncing from one side of my stomach to the other. LOL It has been very soothing to me until the last couple of days. Some of the kicks are getting really hard and actually hurt. Before long I won't be able to fall asleep to it I'm sure. LOL

At my last appointment the told me again that I'm high risk. My next appointment is April 14th then after that I have to start going back every 2 weeks. I also have to have a NST (non-stress test) done either once a week or once every 2 weeks. I can't remember which. I think they also plan on doing an u/s with those so thats exciting if they do.

As much as I try not to worry about my test that came back positive for Downs Syndrom, I can't help but have it nag at me. If he does have it, it will not change how much I love him. I just worry about the health issues that come along with it. I know there is some heart problems that are a part of it and also people with Down's have a shorter life expectancy. I hate the thought of out living my children and would never want that to be the case. I think when I have my 3D u/s I'm going to have them check again for Down's markers. Just to be safe.

Gage's room is coming along. We now have it painted though we still have to get the border and put that up. We are pretty much designing our own border. We are going to get a plain white one and either put star decals on it or paint some stars on there. Today we are going to be putting the carpet in and we are getting the crib and dresser from my mother-in-law. Hopefully by the end of today it will start to look like a nursery. I'm so excited!! I will post pics tonight or tomorrow of our progress.


  1. Can't wait to see pictures! May I ask if you think having the test done, even though you can't really KNOW, was worth it? I always wondered if it helps to know or not.

  2. Honestly, if I could go back in time I would not have done the test. I think it has caused me so much worry that isn't necessary. If it could tell me 100% yes or no that he had downs, then yes I would say it was worth it so I could prepare for his needs but since it can't tell me that then I think it's not worth it.
